September Swim

Hunter cover

“At their appealing best these poems fairly levitate with Rob Hunter’s exuberance – the way the Wordsworthian boy inside the man marvels at his grown-up, love-making, child-rearing, death-defying playground of a world. But there’s also plenty to bring him down to a somber earth, where defeat and disappointment, decline and human cruelty assail the ripening of love, but cannot and will not prevail.” — Robert Bensen

“In September Swim, Rob Hunter sees through the ordinary to time and change, human and natural connections, loss, and what endures. His poems “work against the night’s work”: whether their speaker is losing a friend to cancer, recognizing his own mortality, considering his wife’s black bra, or making chili, we taste with him “the beautiful pragmatism of the living.” – Carole Oles

ISBN: 0-944024-56-4