A Complete List of In-Print Backlist Titles, by Author

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Joseph Amato, Buoyancies: A Ballast Master’s Log
160 pages, paperback, $20.00
Book of Twos
320 pages, paperback, $29.95
Death Book
118 pages, casebound, $13.95

Michael Anania, Constructions/Variations
24 pages, chapbook, $3

Norbert Blei, Adventures in an American’s Literature
182 pages, paperback, $5.95
, Adventures in American’s Literature
Individually hand painted covers, (rare: under 10 copies remaining) $50 paperback

—, Chi Town
out of print
—-, Door Steps
230 pages, casebound, $14.95
—-, Door to Door
(rare: under 10 copies remaining) $30 cloth
—-, Door Way
306 pages, paperback, $18
—-, The Ghost of Sandburg’s Phizzog
196 pages, casebound, $13.95
—-, The Ghost of Sandburg’s Phizzog
196 pages, paperback, $8.95
—-, Meditations on a Small Lake
$15 paperback
—-, Neighborhood
272 pages, paperback, $14.95
—-, Paint Me a Picture/Make Me a Poem
108 pages, paperback, $5.95
—-, Winter Book
184 pages, casebound, $20.00

Alec Bond, Poems for an Only Daughter
20 pages, chapbook, $3
—-, North of Sioux Falls
20 pages, chapbook, $4
Phoebus Lane
90 pages, paperback, $5.95

Paul Carroll, Poems
64 pages, paperback, $5.95

Charles Creed, PCU: A Faculty and Staff Directory
38 pages, chapbook, $3.00

Hugh Curtler, Alone in the Labyrinth
400 pages, casebound, $20.00

Phillip Dacey, Fives
44 pages, chapbook, $3.00

Leo Dangel, The Crow on the Golden Arches, 51 pages, paperback, $10.00
—,Home From the Field
233 pages, paperback, $12.95
—-, Old Man Brunner Country
out of print
—-, Hogs and Personals
74 pages, paperback, $5.95

Dave Etter, Alliance, Illinois
240 pages, casebound, $14.95
limited edition (100 books) containing four signed and numbered lithographs, $50
, Carnival
82 pages,paperback, $5.95
—-, Cornfields
64 pages, paperback, $3.95
—-, Electric Avenue
66 pages, paperback, $5.95
—-, The Essential Dave Etter
85 pages, paperback, $6.00
—-, Home State
out of print
—-, How High the Moon
98 pages, paperback, $9.94
—-, Live at the Silver Dollar
68 pages, paperback, $4.95
—-, Looking for Sheena Easton
568 pages, paperback, $10.00
—-, Midlanders
66 pages, paperback, $5.95

—-, Selected Poems
240 pages, casebound, $14.95
—-, Sunflower County
442 pages, paperback, $14.95
— , Well, You Needn’t
(rare: under 10 copies remaining) $10 chapbook
—-, West of Chicago
84 pages, paperback, $4.50

David Allan Evans, Remembering the Soos
102 pages, paperback, $5.95

Phillip Jose Farmer, Riverworld War
(rare: under 10 copies remaining) $25 paperback

Hal and Steve Grutzmacher, Generations
(rare: under 10 copies remaining) $15 paperback

Nathaniel Lee Hansen, Four Seasons West of the 95th Meridian
28 pages, chapbook, $3.50

John Hallwas, editor, The Poems of H: Lost Poet of Lincoln’s Springfield
244 pages, casebound, $11.95
—, The Poems of H
243 pages, paperback, $7.95

Linda Hasselstrom, Caught by One Wing
60 pages, paperback, $4.95
—-, Dakota Bones

pages, paperback, $14.95
—, Dakota: Bones, Grass, Sky

166 pages, paperback, $9.95
—, Roadkill
out of print

Bill Holm, The Music of Failure
102 pages, paperback, $6.95

Rob Hunter, September Swim
paperback, $12.00

John Jacob, Summerbook
24 pages, chapbook, $2.50

John Judson, North of Athens
64 pages, paperback, $3.95

Jerry Klein, Fathersday
134 pages, casebound, $11.95
—-, Fathersday
134 pages, paperback, $5.95

—, Played in Peoria
out of print

William Kloefkorn, Covenants
135 pages, paperback, $9.95
—-, Dragging Sand Creek for Minnows
72 pages, paperback, $5.95
—-, Fielding Imaginary Grounders
99 pages, paperback, $10.00

—-, Loup River Psalter
101 Pages, paperback, $12.00
—-, Welcome to Carlos
85 pages, paperback, $10.00
—-, Sergeant Patrick Gass, Chief Carpenter
96 pages, paperback, $12.00
—, Where the Visible Sun Is
out of print

Arthur Knight, The Golden Land
128 pages, paperback, $5.95

Arthur and Kit Knight, A Marriage of Poets
64 pages, paperback, $3.95

John Knoepfle, trans., T’ang Dynasty Poems
80 pages, casebound, $11.95
— , T’ang Dynasty Poems
80 pages, paperback, $4.95
—-, Song Dynasty Poems
74 pages, casebound, $11.95
—-, Song Dynasty Poems
74 pages, paperback, $4.95

Cassandra La Bairon, Growing Season
20 pages, chapbook, $5
—, And the Road Will Take You There
32 pages, chapbook, $7.00

David Lee, Covenants
135 pages, paperback, $9.95

Vachel Lindsay (Dennis Camp, ed.), The Poetry of Vachel Lindsay
Vol. 1, 408 pages, casebound, $9.95
Vol. 2, 408 pages, casebound, $9.95
Vol. 3, 200 pages, casebound, $14.95
—-, The Prose of Vachel Lindsay
Vol. 1, 338 pages, casebound, $9.95

Adrian Louis, Evil Corn, 126 pages, paper, $18.00
307 pages, paper, $18.00

Walter McDonald, Witching on Hardscrabble
72 pages, paperback, $4.95

Jadwiga Maszewska, ed., Crossing Borders: American Literature and Other Artistic Media
90 pages, paperback, $10.00

Jim McGowan, 66 Translations from Les Fleurs du Mal
out of print

Iveta Melnika, Tale of the White Crow
232 pages, paperback, $15.00

Ralph J. Mills, Jr., Each Branch
117 pages, cloth, $11.95

—, For a Day

144 pages, casebound, $11.95
— , For a Day
30 pages, chapbook, $3
—, awhile
74 pages, paperback, $5.95

Robert Mills, Kindly Angel
56 pages, paperback, $4.95

Jennifer Moyer, Traveling with Coyotes
34 pages, chapbook, $4

Kay Murphy, The Autopsy
out of print

David Nass, Holiday (Farm Holiday History)
out of print

John G. Nemo, Dublin Light
42 pages, chapbook, $4

Sue Peterson, Preparing the Fields
22 pages, chapbook, $4

Maggie Perry, Crow Lady Letters
24 pages, chapbook, $3

David Pichaske, Bones of Brick and Morter,
216 pages, paperback, $20
__, Crying in the Wilderness: Essays Public and Personal
417 pages, paperback, $20
–, Exercises Against Retirement
70 pages, paperback, $5.95
—, A Generation in Motion
262 pages, casebound, $14.95
—-, A Generation in Motion
262 pages, paperback, $10.95
—, Gates: Poems on the Restoration of Jubilee College
26 pages, chapbook, $4.00
Here I Stand: The Education of David Pichaske
426 pages, paper, $10.00

—-, The Jubilee Diary
240 pages,paperback, $5.95
—-, Late Harvest: Recent American Writing
452 pages, casebound, $24.95
(original publisher: Paragon House)
–, PCU: A Faculty and Staff Directory
40 pages, paperback, $3
–, The Pigeons of Buchenau and Other Stories
112 pages, paperback, $10
—-, The Poetry of Rock
176 pages,paperback, $5.95
—-, Poland in Transition
246 pages, paperback, $11.95
—-, The Secret Places of Southwest Minnesota
209 pages, paperback, $20.00
—-, Southwest Minnesota: The Land and the People
116 pages, paperback, $15.00
—, Southwest Minnesota: A Place of Many Places
152 pages, cloth, $20
—-, UB03: A Season in Outer Mongolia
150 pages, paperback, $10.00
—-, Visiting the Father
24 pages, chapbook, $3
—, Winter Song: Latvia 1998-9
40 pages, signed/numbered chapbook, $12.00

Felix Pollak, Benefits of Doubt
217 pages, casebound, $15.95

Mary Renzi, A Brand New Saint


Alice Ryerson, New & Selected Poems
85 pages, casebound, $11.95

Robert Schuler, Music for Monet
74 pages, paperback, $3.95

Thom Tammaro, Hanging on for Dear Life, paperback, $12.95
—-, Stirring the Deep: The Poetry of Mark Vinz
102 pages, paperback, $7.95

Andrew Tucker, Harassment: A Novel of Ideas
378 pages, paperback, $18.00

Mark Vinz, Climbing the Stairs
74 pages paperback, $3.95
—-, Mixed Blessings
78 pages, paperback, $5.95

William Wantling, Selected Poems
out of print

J.D. Whitney, sd
64 pages, paperback, $4.95

Warren Woessner, No Hiding Place
58 pages, paperback, $3.95

Dana Yost, 1940: Journal of a Midwestern Town, Story of an Era
$21.00 paper

— Grace Poems
51 pages, $10.00 paper

The Right Place
146 pages, $12.00 paper
–A Higher Level
240 pages, $15.00 paper